Volunteer/Barter Days for Season #13

We frequently get emails from people asking about “volunteering”. If you’d like to offer up your time and good energy at the farm, our Volunteer Work Days will be held the second Saturday of each month, from 10AM until noon, starting in October of 2022.

Volunteering at the farm is not glamorous. It’s primarily boring, hard, tedious tasks, like weeding or manual removal of pests (squishing bugs). Have an image of walking through a field picking vegetables and placing them in a lovely basket? Well that’s not gonna happen here.

If you have a good work ethic, can follow verbal instructions well, and would like to volunteer, please complete the form below. We will then send you our Volunteer Application. Only those who complete the application will be eligible to participate on our scheduled works days. Please note that if you do not hear back from us in 24 hours, check your spam and promotion boxes.

We believe it’s important to have a clear understanding about the definition of certain terms, so here we go:

A VOLUNTEER: A person who gives freely of their time, expecting nothing in return. Over the years we’ve been truly blessed to have people in our lives with such pure, generous spirits!

TO BARTER: An arrangement where goods or services of like value are traded.

Most people that contact us about volunteering, are actually looking for a barter type scenario: work in exchange for lessons on how to grow food; or work in exchange for food. We are very receptive to barter scenarios, as long as they are mutually beneficial.

Any person wishing to barter with us would first need to participate in one of our Volunteer Works Days. Complete the form below to receive a Volunteer Application and or additional information.

Sarah Fenton